
Thanks for visiting Agile Reflections. This is a blog about reflections and learnings from people using agile approaches to build great software.

Several years ago I was a project manager and PMP who was comfortable delivering large software projects using traditional waterfall methodologies.  A change in leadership where I was working started an agile transformation both for the organization and for me.  My job title changed to Scrum Master.  Some basic CSM and CSPO training helped with understanding the Scrum mechanisms, but of course the true power of the approach is in the nuances and subtleties that become apparent with experience.

One of my biggest challenges as a Scrum Master was getting Product Owners to do their jobs, so I decided to become one. I am currently enjoying the new set of challenges involved with that role and sharing them on this blog.

Alec Hardy

Please feel free to contact me at: AgileReflections@gmail.com

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